Object-oriented Game of Life in Python

Intro I have been planning to build a superior GUI alternative to NetLogo for a long time. When I finally started working on a project, I decided to test the...

Bitcoin forgot its roots. Should we tax it?

Bitcoin was invented and became popular first within a crypto community whose members were predominantly influenced by the so-called “hacker culture”.

Utility tokens: discussion, economic model and simulation in R

This post has been originally published in HackerNoon. Click here to read the original.

Library of Bogazici University

Library is located in North Campus: Фасад Библиотеки

Factor Analysis and Uniform distributions

To learn about product decomposition of uniform distribution click here or keep on reading

This is how you should never end your blog posts

Almost every blogging tutorial suggests you to end your posts with the so-called CTAs (call-to-action). They say that encouraging your readers to comment will help to promote your blog. Most...